Universal Health Net

Nurse Nominated For 2019 Senior Care Hero Awards

We are proud to have one of our nurses nominated for the 2019 Senior Care Hero Awards and would love to share an example of why she is exceptional in going above and beyond for our patients. Please the nomination below:
How Vaneza granted a dying senior man’s last wish and blessed his family with one of the best days of their lives.
Recently we had a senior hospice patient diagnosed with three brain tumors who was paralyzed on one side of his body rendering him bed bound. He was in a Skilled Nursing Facility but wanted to get home for Father’s Day to be with his sons. His wife was overwhelmed with how to care for him. Universal Health Net paid out of pock and organized a professional caregiver to help the family look after the patient during the first few days of his arrival at home. Vaneza helped re-arrange furniture to fit hospital beds and equipment and ensured the family received all the support they needed with caregiver training, social workers, chaplain and volunteers, etc.
It gets even better…
The patient then pleaded with his wife to go to the movies one more time before he died. He’s wife told him it was not possible as he was bed bound. Vaneza overheard this conversation and called our office manager to take action to make the patient’s dying wish come true. Vaneza together with the Universal Health Net team organized ambulance transportation to and from the VIP cinemas at Bella Terra- Huntington Beach, booked out the entire cinema, catered food and invited all the patient’s family and close friends to a private viewing of The Avengers movie. The cinema upon hearing the story comped the movie session. The patient was so elated with excitement that he was able to stay conscious for the entire 2 1/2 hour movie. The wife said it was one of the highlights of their family’s life.
Vaneza later stayed with the patient for 8 plus hours to provide nursing and emotional support to the patient and family as he passed. She also provided and coordinated the post care required to ensure the family was supported in every manner.
It’s also important to note that, Universal Health Net took on this patient knowing two other hospice companies had refused due to it not being a profitable case. Both Vaneza and Universal Health Net, epitomize the ideal care for an elderly hospice patient and truly live up to the Universal Health Net slogan of “caring for your loved one as our own”.