Universal Health Net

Nomination For Outstanding Senior Care Professional 2019

We are proud to announce our Chaplin has been nominated for Outstanding Senior Care Professional in the upcoming 2019 Senior Care Hero Awards. Please see the nomination below
One moving example where Brett’s commitment and willingness to go above and beyond to change a senior patient’s life for the better was witnessed recently with an ALS patient. This senior hospice patient was once a very active and fit man, riding his motorcycle and working on Hollywood movie sets until he was stricken suddenly with ALS. The patient, wife and Autistic son were struggling each in their own ways – emotionally, physically, spiritually, with the diagnosis of a non-treatable disease and its debilitating symptoms; and stages of grief. Initially they had refused Chaplin services as they did not have or want any spiritual ties. Through Brett’s sense of humanity, willingness to help, love, dedication and regular visits, he was able to form a connection with each family member and help them through their individual journeys to cope, accept and heal. This involved counselling, education, grief strategies, music and singing therapy; as well as a non-judgmental ear and warm heart. Eventually the patient communicated he had found peace with his illness and no-longer feared dying. He told Brett that he now believes in God and asked him to conduct the Memorial Service when he passes. Brett was honored to do this for the patient and the family. It was truly a beautiful Memorial Service that was marked with happiness and a poster of a man on a motorcycle flying through the sky with the heading: “I’m now free”.
Brett truly is a remarkable human being. Universal Health Net and patients are blessed to have him as a Chaplin.